Sunday, August 7, 2011

Change Your Thoughts... - Verse 3

The very first thought I have about this is thus: "if someone comes to you and says they like/desire what you have - give it to them".  I know I have heard this somewhere but I cannot place it.  Perhaps the Bible.  While on one hand you could say this is setting yourself up, it's not the material aspect that is important.  Things that are of true worth to a person (respect, love, etc) cannot be given away.  Material things can, and as we take nothing with us when we die it could be said that short of the item being useful it's of little or no consequence.  Everything is worth only the value we place on it.  This also goes without saying to less tangible things like relationships or titles.  If it is important to you (like with me) to be married, then its important.  But the reality is that it just is in the grand scheme of things.  On one hand there is nothing wrong with placing importance in things, so long as that feeling does not rule you.

Part of my dilemma with this verse is that I wonder if I should want anything at all.  That if desiring to accomplish things is a "bad" thing and something I should just not do.  I really balk at that idea because I like feeling accomplished in those ways.  Perhaps lessening the driving need, realizing that if it doesn't get done it doesn't get done and yet it's not the end of the world and it will only matter as much as I allow it to.  Continuing to read I believe I see part of the answer - that some desires basically cause stress and those you don't need.  Rather than striving constantly for more - appreciate what you have first.  It's not to say you can't have something else but don't do what is common to people and not appreciate what is there in lieu of having "better".

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Because I don't have any money present truly reflecting on this in a physical sense is a little difficult but I have been thinking about it.  Since I haven't been working I haven't been able to provide anything for myself - from basic necessities to just plain wants I've had to go without.  I generally consider myself a fairly frugal person, preferring to keep hold of my money as long as I can but when I started as an exotic dancer I know I developed some very poor spending habits.  The immediate gratification of being paid in tips got to me and I kept rationalizing while spending money that I would just make it back tomorrow so it was fine to spend it today.  The truth is that that isn't quite how it works  I easily will not see it for days or weeks depending on how much it was and what else was going on.  But I never really thought about that at the time.  I just told myself I would and went about my way.  Now sure if I was using this to think from the end it would have been worthwhile but I was really just making an excuse to spend the money right then.

Over the last few days though I've been thinking about some things that I want as soon as I have money.  Many of them aren't necessary wants but a new bra (several rather), some random things for the baby, and other larger things (like a car and my cell phone).  Some are readily attainable, they'll be had within a paycheck or two, while others are a bit less easily attained (like the car).

So even though I am not really want to just go off and buy something just because I want it I have been thinking about the things that I see that I do want.  Questioning whether I need it right now, if it's really worth the time and trouble it will take me to get it, and if I will get if I will use it enough to justify the purchase.

...contemplate yourself being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce...

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