Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Change Your Thoughts... - Verse 2

Just reading through the verse I have a lot to say.  I believe the last two lines strike me the most - "When the work is done, it is forgotten./That is why it lasts forever."  This goes along to me with trying too hard and it causing one to fail.  Putting yourself out there in desperation makes you seem desperate which isn't usually an attractive quality.  It bespeaks of doing the right or the best you can and letting it be.  Rather than attaching to the outcome and blocking any manifestation with worry, doubt, or guilt you just do and move on.  It makes the doing more natural (after awhile) I think.

I definitely can see the paradox and co-existence.  A thing is only defined as what it is because there is something else that is not that thing, there is something else that is opposite that thing.  One end of the see saw cannot exist without the other, otherwise it wouldn't be a see saw.

It touched on what I said earlier, about detaching from the outcome...."effortless action without attachment to outcome".  I try so hard for things to be a certain way rather than relishing just how they are.  One could do everything to make something happen and it still not happen.

Dyer's advice for application is to note the opportunity to defend yourself and choosing not to.  That's definitely going to be a task for me.  I almost always feel the compulsion to justify what I am doing or how I think.  I believe I do this to validate my worth.

I have to laugh a bit because this will be a hard thing for me to do.  I had another thought - that of my issues and jealousy of Christy when it comes to my significant other.  I can't help (it seems) but get upset and irritated anytime she comes to mind or is mentioned.  I focus so much on how much I hate or despise her that I don't pay attention to my other and what he is doing for me, how he is showing his regard for me.  Food for thought...I know in the end this makes him feel unappreciated.  I just want him to want and love me - he says he does and that I wouldn't be here if he didn't, but it's so hard to believe.

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At first I wasn't sure I'd have much to say after reflecting, but I had an argument with my other half the other day and in the course of the conversation he bade me explain myself and my reasoning.  I honestly struggled to do so because part of my concerns were of a subjective nature.  It's not to say that they were or weren't valid but they were based primarily in how I felt in relation to someone's actions, rather than the actions being directly what I felt.  (Eg. I felt like I was being criticized, regardless of whether that person meant it or not.)  I realize the folly of this, for even if I could site a specific example, it was still my feeling rather than a literal thing.  And then of course accounting for differences in opinions and points of view he still could have said well that's not what I think.  So it's a moot point really.

The desire to be understood by me is very great though and I think I will have to actively work on it.  Perhaps when someone asks me to explain myself I should first ask the question: Why?  And then consider what purpose my explanation will serve, if it's altogether necessary, and if after all of that it will even be understood.  I'm not sure why I have such a strong desire to be understood, but I do and it can become problematical when I fail at being so...

Going and reading another version of this verse, it's labeled as "Relativity".  At first glance I didn't see the relevance but after reading it dawned on me.  Everything is relative to everything around it, and at the very least relative to what it is not...

...contemplate yourself being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce...

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