Saturday, July 30, 2011

Coming & Getting Back...

I know I started this blog sometime ago and with good intentions.  As with so many things I got distracted and forgot and stopped putting time into it at all.  I find myself reflecting on the turmoil of my life and the need and desire for positive change to finally occur.  I'm tired of just "being" and existing day to day and I know that without resolute action I will thusly continue.  But change is work and it can be difficult to release the past and old habits, even when we see them for what they are - holding us back.  We make excuses for them and cling to them like they are old friends when really they are betrayers of our dignity and self-worth and ultimately damaging to us and our greater good.

I'm starting Wayne Dyer's Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life today but also will alternate reading his book Excuses Begone! as well.  I intend on having at least one entry / chapter or major section and for those that are long having longer posts.  I intend on reading from at least one if not both every day.

...contemplate yourself being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce...

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